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- " "Presente` par Bligny en April 1776"1
- " "Protecteur des Arts, Remunerateur des Laborieux, Protecteur des Pawres, Juge et Capitaine, Honneur de la Patrie, Ambassadr. actuel d'Espagne en France1
- "Drawn & Engraved for Irvings Life of Washington"1
- "in Vanity Fair, March 14, 1874," accompanying the print is a page of text from Vanity Fair1
- "le Tres-Excellene seigneur Pierre-Paul Abarca De Bolea Comte D'Aranda & & &1
- A Paris ches Bligny Lancier du Roi, Cour du Manege aux Thuileries1
- Caption: "Paris, Publie par Furne et W. Coquebert"1
- Caption: from a print by Ridley After Rivers1
- Notes: "on its balcony Washington was inaugurated President, April 30th, 1789"1
- Notes: Subject: New York City1
- Notes: showing small town on edge of water1
- Subject: New York City1
- Subject: Newburgh1
- color2
- engraving1
- engraving, Hinshelwood, Diedrich Knickerbocker, Jun. 17891