San francisco bay (calif.), Passengers, Golden gate bridge (san francisco, calif.), Automobiles, Mountains, Shrubs, Buildings, Channels, Bays (bodies of wate...
Roll 1-38 Frame 9
Cushman, Charles W., 1896-1972
Fecha de Creacion:
United States
San Francisco
Call Number:
Views and Identification photographs
A-9= G G bridge, Bay & SF from Marin
Alternate Identifier:
Holding Location:
Bloomington - University Archives Wells Library E460 1320 E 10th St. Bloomington, IN 47405 Contact at, 812-855-1127
Color corrected: magenta cast [fading of yellow dye]. Image was originally mounted in a glass enclosure. Before digitization, the image was removed and place...
Grand Prismatic Spring (Wyo.), Midway Geyser Basin (Wyo.), Yellowstone National Park, Excelsior Geyser (Yellowstone National Park), and Steam
Physical Description:
magenta cast [fading of yellow dye]. Image was originally mounted in a glass enclosure. Before digitization, the image was removed and placed in a Wess Plas...
Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyo.) and Yellowstone National Park
Physical Description:
magenta cast [fading of yellow dye]. Image was originally mounted in a glass enclosure. Before digitization, the image was removed and placed in a Wess Plas...
magenta cast [fading of yellow dye]. Image was originally mounted in a glass enclosure. Before digitization, the image was removed and placed in a Wess Plas...
magenta cast [fading of yellow dye]. Image was originally mounted in a glass enclosure. Before digitization, the image was removed and placed in a Wess Plas...
magenta cast [fading of yellow dye]. Image was originally mounted in a glass enclosure. Before digitization, the image was removed and placed in a Wess Plas...
magenta cast [fading of yellow dye]. Image was originally mounted in a glass enclosure. Before digitization, the image was removed and placed in a Wess Plas...