- 1941[remove]6
- РСФСР (RSFSR) and Ленинградская область (Leningrad oblast)2
- Курская область (Kursk oblast)1
- Ленинградская область (Leningrad oblast) and РСФСР (RSFSR)1
- Ленинградская область (Leningrad oblast), РСФСР (RSFSR), Тихвинский район (Tikhvin district), and Волховский район (Volkhov district)1
- Орловская область (Oryol oblast)1
- Сумская область (Sumy oblast)1
- Украинская ССР (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic)1
- Черниговская область (Chernihiv oblast)1
- Army Map Service Library2
- Army Map Service Library, OMAHA, Library of Congress Geography & Map Division2
- DMA Topographic Center2
- Atlasblatt1
- DMA Topographic Center, Army Map Service Library, Library of Congress Geography & Map Division1
- DMA Topographic Center, Army Map Service Library, OMAHA, Library of Congress Geography & Map Division1
- Library of Congress Geography & Map Division1