In this “Great Bulla,” Pope Innocent IV grants a privilege to the "monasterium sancte Caterine de Cingulo" (monastery of Santa Caterina di Cingoli)...
Originally included in a 19th century collection of ^Papal Signatures^ gifted to #Saint Mary's College# in the early- to mid-twentieth century by an unre...
Geographic Location:
Lyon, France
Physical Description:
Support material: Parchment, Script: Documentary, Page dimensions (in mm): 650 x 592, John Tolet, Cardinal, -1274 or 1275, Layout: One column, opening first ...
Bibliographic Citation:
Gura, David. “Bulla of Innocentius PP. IV, Privilegium to the Monastery of St. Catherine Di Cingoli, 1249/1250.” Vestigia Vaticana. Accessed October 14, 2021...