- 学科:
- Rinceau, Codex, Book of Hours, Devotional book, Binding fragment, Missing leaves, Illumination, Border, Legal, and Devotion
- 创造者:
- Catholic Church
- 创建日期:
- 15th century
- 识别码:
- smc_003_001_00
- Owning Institution:
- Rare Book Room. Cushwa Leighton Library. Saint Mary's College. Notre Dame, IN. Indiana. United States.
- Call Number:
- MS 3
- Abstract:
- Fifteenth-century Book of Hours, use of Amiens, likely produced during the third quarter of that century. Written in Latin, with some French (Picard) used i...
- Alternate Identifier:
- Acquisition Number: 92648
- Provenance:
- Originally owned by two families (the Le Féron and Grisel families) in Haute Picardie. Family records recorded at the end of the manuscript, fols. 127v-128r....
- Geographic Location:
- France
- Physical Description:
- Folation-Pagination: Foliation in upper right-hand margin in modern pencil, Binding: Late 19th/ early 20th brown leather binding over binder's board, too...
- Bibliographic Citation:
- Gura, David T. "A Hitherto Unknown Fifteenth-Century Book of Hours from the Amiénois: Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s College, Cushwa-Leighton Library, MS 3 (o...
- Time Period:
- Third quarter of the 15th century
- 学科:
- Liturgy, Musical notation, Antiphonal, Service or liturgical book, Fragment, and Pen-flourished initial
- 创造者:
- Catholic Church
- 语言:
- Latin
- 创建日期:
- 14th century and 15th century
- 识别码:
- smc_004_001_02
- Owning Institution:
- Rare Book Room. Cushwa Leighton Library. Saint Mary's College. Notre Dame, IN. Indiana. United States.
- Call Number:
- MS 4
- Abstract:
- Bifolium from a late fourteenth- or early fifteenth-century Italian antiphonal. Text is continuous across the inner pages indicating that the bifolium was or...
- Geographic Location:
- Italy
- Physical Description:
- Extent: 2, Number of lines: 1, Written area (in mm): 248 x 195, Musical notation: Four-line staves in red/ square neumes in black, Script: Gothic-Rotunda, Pa...
- Bibliographic Citation:
- Gura, David Turco. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts of the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s College. Notre Dame: ...
- Time Period:
- Late fourteenth / early fifteenth century
- 学科:
- Document, Papal bull, and Penwork initial
- 创造者:
- Innocent IV, 1195-1254
- 语言:
- Latin
- 创建日期:
- 13th century
- 识别码:
- smc_015_001_02
- Call Number:
- qBX850 C36
- Abstract:
- In this “Great Bulla,” Pope Innocent IV grants a privilege to the "monasterium sancte Caterine de Cingulo" (monastery of Santa Caterina di Cingoli)...
- Provenance:
- Originally included in a 19th century collection of Papal Signatures gifted to Saint Mary's College in the early- to mid-twentieth century by an unrecord...
- Geographic Location:
- Lyon, France
- Physical Description:
- Protocol: Innocentius episcopus servus servorum Dei dilectis, Decoration: Opening penwork initial in text ink/ opening first line written in a display script...
- Bibliographic Citation:
- Gura, David. “Bulla of Innocentius PP. IV, Privilegium to the Monastery of St. Catherine Di Cingoli, 1249/1250.” Vestigia Vaticana. Accessed October 14, 2021...
- Time Period:
- 1249 or 1250
- 学科:
- Codex, Fragment, Devotional book, Border, Binding fragment, Illumination, Rinceau, Missing leaves, Devotion, Legal, and Christian
- 创造者:
- Catholic Church
- 语言:
- Latin, French, and Middle, approx. 1400-1600
- 创建日期:
- 15th century
- 识别码:
- smc_003_001
- Alternative:
- Inicium sancti euangelii secundum Iohaunem: gloria tibi domine; Memore de sanct adrian martire (fol. 18v); vigile de mors ; anthiphona vigilia mortuorum; Ich...
- Table of Contents:
- Calendar (Use of Amiens); Gospel Lessons; Suffrages to St. Adrian; Hours of the Virgin, use of Amiens [Incomplete]; Hours of the Cross [Incomplete]; Hours of...
- Owning Institution:
- Rare Book Room. Cushwa Leighton Library. Saint Mary's College. Notre Dame, IN. Indiana. United States.
- Call Number:
- MS 3
- Abstract:
- SMC 003 MS 3, Book of Hours: Fifteenth-century Book of Hours, use of Amiens, likely produced during the third quarter of that century. Written in Latin, wit...
- Alternate Identifier:
- Acquisition Number: 92648
- Provenance:
- Originally owned by two families (the Le Féron and Grisel families) in Haute Picardie. Family records recorded at the end of the manuscript, fols. 127v-128r....
- Geographic Location:
- France
- Physical Description:
- SMC 003 MS 3, Book of Hours, Support material: Parchment, Extent: ii + 129 + iv, Collation: 1 + Q1-3 (6), Q4-5 (8), Q6 (8, wanting 2 and 6), Q7 (8, wanting 1...
- Bibliographic Citation:
- Gura, David Turco. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts of the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s College. Notre Dame: ...
- Time Period:
- Third quarter of the 15th century
- 学科:
- Fragment, Service or liturgical book, Antiphonal, Musical notation, Pen-flourished initial, and Liturgy
- 创造者:
- Catholic Church
- 语言:
- Latin
- 创建日期:
- 14th century and 15th century
- 识别码:
- smc_004_001
- Owning Institution:
- Rare Book Room. Cushwa Leighton Library. Saint Mary's College. Notre Dame, IN. Indiana. United States.
- Call Number:
- MS 4
- Abstract:
- Bifolium from a late fourteenth- or early fifteenth-century Italian antiphonal. Text is continuous across the inner pages indicating that the bifolium was or...
- Geographic Location:
- Italy
- Physical Description:
- Support material: Parchment, Extent: 2, Page dimensions (in mm): 390 x 282, Fragment type: Detached; Bifolium (untrimmed) Written area (in mm): 248 x 195, Sc...
- Bibliographic Citation:
- Gura, David Turco. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts of the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s College. Notre Dame...
- Time Period:
- Late fourteenth / early fifteenth century
- 描述:
- P.O. Address: Bentley, Oklahoma; Organization: Co. I, 39th Infantry, 4th Div.; Wounded in shoulder, elbow and hip (right) - Verdun. 24 yrs. old, citizen.
- 学科:
- Portraits, Choctaw, Veterans, and World War, 1914-1918
- 创造者:
- Dixon, Joseph K.
- 创建日期:
- 1919-03-27
- Persons Pictured:
- Lewis, Jesse
- Alternate Identifier:
- 1962-08-6320
- Rights Notes:
- IU Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Wanamaker Collection of American Indian Photographs: public domain (copyright Rodman Wanamaker, 1913); commercial ...
- Holding Location:
- Bloomington - Indiana University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
416 North Indiana Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408
Contact at iumaa@iu.edu, 812-855-6873 - Geographic Location:
- Debarkation Hospital #3, Greenhut Building, 6th Ave. and 18th St., New York, New York, Ward 2, 4th floor
- Physical Description:
- 1 nitrate 4 x 5.25”
- 描述:
- P.O. Address: Iaeger, West Virginia; Organization: Co. F, 11th Infantry, 5th Div.
- 学科:
- Veterans, Portraits, White, and World War, 1914-1918
- 创造者:
- Dixon, Joseph K.
- 创建日期:
- 1919-03-30
- Persons Pictured:
- Cline, Joseph
- Alternate Identifier:
- 1962-08-6315
- Rights Notes:
- IU Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Wanamaker Collection of American Indian Photographs: public domain (copyright Rodman Wanamaker, 1913); commercial ...
- Holding Location:
- Bloomington - Indiana University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
416 North Indiana Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408
Contact at iumaa@iu.edu, 812-855-6873 - Geographic Location:
- Debarkation Hospital #3, Greenhut Building, 6th Ave. and 18th St., New York, New York, Ward 2, 4th floor
- Physical Description:
- 1 nitrate 4 x 5.25”
- 描述:
- P.O. Address: Hayfork, California; Organization: 144th Artillery, 40th Division; Wounded above left eye, at Toule
- 学科:
- Portraits, World War, 1914-1918, Veterans, and Mission Indian
- 创造者:
- Dixon, Joseph K.
- 创建日期:
- 1919-03-18
- Persons Pictured:
- Tye, Archibald
- Alternate Identifier:
- 1962-08-6314
- Rights Notes:
- IU Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Wanamaker Collection of American Indian Photographs: public domain (copyright Rodman Wanamaker, 1913); commercial ...
- Holding Location:
- Bloomington - Indiana University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
416 North Indiana Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408
Contact at iumaa@iu.edu, 812-855-6873 - Geographic Location:
- Debarkation Hospital #3, Greenhut Building, 6th Ave. and 18th St., New York, New York
- Physical Description:
- 1 nitrate 4 x 5.25”
- 描述:
- For History See #1 (W 6300) [From the negative album: P.O. Address Mauston, Wisconsin; Not a Citizen; Organization Co. D; ...
- 学科:
- Ho-Chunk, Winnebago , World War, 1914-1918, Portraits, Veterans, Injury, and Sling
- 创造者:
- Dixon, Joseph K.
- 创建日期:
- 1919-03-03
- Abstract:
- “(W6300)” added in pencil 2/8/05 to reflect new catalogue number
- Persons Pictured:
- Thundercloud, Sam
- Alternate Identifier:
- 1962-08-6311
- Rights Notes:
- IU Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Wanamaker Collection of American Indian Photographs: public domain (copyright Rodman Wanamaker, 1913); commercial ...
- Holding Location:
- Bloomington - Indiana University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
416 North Indiana Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408
Contact at iumaa@iu.edu, 812-855-6873 - Geographic Location:
- Cape May Hospital, New Jersey
- Physical Description:
- 1 nitrate 4 x 5.25”
- 描述:
- For History See #1 (W 6300) [From the negative album: P.O. Address Mauston, Wisconsin; Not a Citizen; Organization Co. D; ...
- 学科:
- Portraits, Winnebago, Veterans, World War, 1914-1918, and Ho-Chunk
- 创造者:
- Dixon, Joseph K.
- 创建日期:
- 1919-03-03
- Abstract:
- Remarks: "(W6300)” added in pencil 2/8/05 to reflect new catalogue number
- Persons Pictured:
- Thundercloud, Sam
- Alternate Identifier:
- 1962-08-6310
- Rights Notes:
- IU Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Wanamaker Collection of American Indian Photographs: public domain (copyright Rodman Wanamaker, 1913); commercial ...
- Holding Location:
- Bloomington - Indiana University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
416 North Indiana Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408
Contact at iumaa@iu.edu, 812-855-6873 - Geographic Location:
- Cape May Hospital, New Jersey
- Physical Description:
- 1 nitrate 4 x 5.25”