- 创造者:
- K. Reator
- 权:
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NKC/1.0/
- Extent:
- 9 pp
- Street Address:
- 1320 E. 10th
- Instructional Method:
- Traditional
- Owning Institution:
- Indiana University
- Copyright Holder:
- Indiana University
- Country:
- State/Province:
- Indiana
- Genre:
- Fiction
- 描述:
- a description
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Bloomington
- 位置:
- https://sws.geonames.org/4254679/
- Holding Location:
- Bloomington - Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design
Fine Arts Building
1201 E. Seventh Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Contact at ksrichar@iu.edu, 812-855-4627
- 描述:
- 1892
- 学科:
- Geographic Subject: Volosovo, Topical Subject: Maps, and Topical Subject: Soviet Union
- 出版者:
- Управление военных топографов
- 语言:
- Russian
- 创建日期:
- 1930
- 识别码:
- VAC9619-000019
- Copyright Holder:
- No Copyright - United States
- Country:
- State/Province:
- Ленинградская область (Leningrad oblast) and РСФСР (RSFSR)
- Call Number:
- G7000 s50 .S68 and zsheet O-35-23-Г
- Genre:
- Military Maps and Topographic Maps
- Related URL:
- DataCORE Dataset Download: https://datacore.iu.edu/concern/data_sets/9s161690d
- Abstract:
- Modern area represented: Volosovo, Leningrad oblast, Russia
- Provenance:
- DMA Topographic Center,Army Map Service Library,OMAHA,Library of Congress Geography & Map Division
- Persistent URL:
- http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/images/VAC9619/VAC9619-000019
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: 59.333,29.25,59.5,29.5
- City:
- Волосово (Volosovo)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: 1:50,000
- Caption:
- Не подлежит оглашению
- 描述:
- 1892
- 学科:
- Topical Subject: Maps, Topical Subject: Soviet Union, and Geographic Subject: Manuylovo
- 出版者:
- Управление военных топографов
- 语言:
- Russian
- 创建日期:
- 1930
- 识别码:
- VAC9619-000017
- Copyright Holder:
- No Copyright - United States
- Country:
- State/Province:
- Ленинградская область (Leningrad oblast) and РСФСР (RSFSR)
- Call Number:
- G7000 s50 .S68 and zsheet O-35-22-D
- Genre:
- Topographic Maps and Military Maps
- Related URL:
- DataCORE Dataset Download: https://datacore.iu.edu/concern/data_sets/n009w309g
- Abstract:
- Modern area represented: Manuylovo, Leningrad oblast, Russia
- Provenance:
- CIA Map Library,CIA Map Branch -- Received
- Persistent URL:
- http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/images/VAC9619/VAC9619-000017
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: 59.333,28.75,59.5,29
- City:
- Мануилово (Manuylovo)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: 1:50,000
- Caption:
- Не подлежит оглашению
- 描述:
- 1937
- 学科:
- Topical Subject: Maps, Topical Subject: Soviet Union, and Geographic Subject: Lerik
- 出版者:
- Генеральный штаб РККА
- 语言:
- Russian
- 识别码:
- VAC9619-000098
- Copyright Holder:
- No Copyright - United States
- Country:
- СССР (USSR) and Иран (Iran)
- State/Province:
- Азербайджанская ССР (Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic)
- Call Number:
- G7000 s50 .S68 sheet J-39-37-D
- Genre:
- Topographic Maps and Military Maps
- Related URL:
- DataCORE Dataset Download: https://datacore.iu.edu/concern/data_sets/td96k3352
- Abstract:
- Modern area represented: Lerik, Azerbaijan
- Provenance:
- DMA Topographic Center, Army Map Service Library, OMAHA, and Library of Congress Geography & Map Division
- Persistent URL:
- http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/images/VAC9619/VAC9619-000098
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: 38.6667,48.25,38.8333,48.5
- City:
- Лерик (Lerik)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: 1:50,000
- Caption:
- Не подлежит оглашению
- 描述:
- 1936
- 学科:
- Geographic Subject: Liman, Topical Subject: Maps, and Topical Subject: Soviet Union
- 出版者:
- Генеральный штаб РККА
- 语言:
- Russian
- 识别码:
- VAC9619-000099
- Copyright Holder:
- No Copyright - United States
- Country:
- State/Province:
- Азербайджанская ССР (Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic)
- Call Number:
- G7000 s50 .S68 sheet J-39-38-B
- Genre:
- Topographic Maps and Military Maps
- Related URL:
- DataCORE Dataset Download: https://datacore.iu.edu/concern/data_sets/dr26xz169
- Abstract:
- Modern area represented: Liman, Azerbaijan
- Provenance:
- Library of Congress Geography & Map Division
- Persistent URL:
- http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/images/VAC9619/VAC9619-000099
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: 38.8333,48.75,39,49
- City:
- Порт Ильича (Port Ilicha)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: 1:50,000
- Caption:
- Не подлежит оглашению
- 描述:
- 1930
- 学科:
- Geographic Subject: Novyy Ropsk, Topical Subject: Soviet Union, and Topical Subject: Maps
- 创造者:
- Генеральный штаб Красной Армии
- 出版者:
- Генеральный штаб Красной Армии
- 语言:
- Russian
- 识别码:
- VAC9619-004214
- Copyright Holder:
- No Copyright - United States
- Country:
- State/Province:
- РСФСР (RSFSR), Орловская область (Oryol oblast), Украинская ССР (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic), and Черниговская область (Chernihiv oblast)
- Call Number:
- G7000 s100 .S7 sheet N-36-137
- Genre:
- Topographic Maps and Military Maps
- Related URL:
- DataCORE Dataset Download: https://datacore.iu.edu/concern/data_sets/6w924c63f
- Abstract:
- Modern area represented: Novyy Ropsk, Bryansk oblast, Russia
- Provenance:
- DMA Topographic Center, Army Map Service Library, Library of Congress Geography & Map Division, and OMAHA
- Persistent URL:
- http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/images/VAC9619/VAC9619-004214
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: 52,32,52.333,32.5 and Location Name: Novyy Ropsk
- City:
- Новый Ропск (Novyy Ropsk)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: 1:100,000
- 描述:
- 1938
- 学科:
- Topical Subject: Soviet Union, Topical Subject: Maps, and Geographic Subject: Semënovka
- 创造者:
- Главное Управление Геодезии и Картографии при СНК СССР
- 出版者:
- Главное Управление Геодезии и Картографии при СНК СССР
- 语言:
- Russian
- 识别码:
- VAC9619-004215
- Copyright Holder:
- No Copyright - United States
- Country:
- State/Province:
- Орловская область (Oryol oblast), РСФСР (RSFSR), Черниговская область (Chernihiv oblast), and Украинская ССР (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic)
- Call Number:
- G7000 s100 .S7 sheet N-36-138
- Genre:
- Topographic Maps and Military Maps
- Related URL:
- DataCORE Dataset Download: https://datacore.iu.edu/concern/data_sets/jw827c369
- Abstract:
- Modern area represented: Semënovka, Russia
- Provenance:
- Geographic Names Branch, Army Map Service Library, Atlasblatt, Library of Congress Geography & Map Division, OMAHA, and DMA Topographic Center
- Persistent URL:
- http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/images/VAC9619/VAC9619-004215
- Geographic Location:
- Location Name: Semënovka and Coordinates: 52,32.5,52.333,33
- City:
- Семеновка (Semënovka)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: 1:100,000
- Caption:
- Для служебного пользования