- 学科:
- Subject: Indians of North America, Subject: IGS Annual Reports, Subject: Fortification, Prehistoric, Geographic Subject: Hamilton County (Ohio), Subject: Mou...
- 创造者:
- Morrison, Samuel (Civil engineer)
- 出版者:
- Indiana. Geological Survey
- 创建日期:
- 1879
- 识别码:
- VAC3073-M-01548
- Call Number:
- QE109 .A2
- Genre:
- Pictorial maps
- Related URL:
- Catalog URL: http://iucat.iu.edu/catalog/18387663
- Abstract:
- At head of first title: Plate H , At head of second title: Plate I. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Shows prehistoric forts [Miami Fort and Oberti...
- Alternate Identifier:
- Title Control Number: a18387663 and Alternate ID: 390723IP
- Provenance:
- 8th, 9th, and 10th Annual Reports (1876, 1877, 1878) / Indiana. Geological Survey.
- Persistent URL:
- http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/images/VAC3073/VAC3073-M-01548
- Geographic Location:
- Hamilton County (Ohio), Location Name: Dearborn County (Ind.), and Coordinates: W0850758 W0844909 N0391829 N0385607
- Physical Description:
- Print Size: 390723IP and Scale: Scale not given.
- Caption:
- Imprint: [Indianapolis] : [Geological Survey of Indiana], [1879] and Imprint: [Indianapolis] : [Indianapolis Journal Company, State printers], [1879]
- 学科:
- Geographic Subject: Indiana, Subject: IGS Annual Reports, Subject: Geology, Stratigraphic, and Subject: Mines and mineral resources
- 创造者:
- Cubberley, Ellwood P., 1868-1941
- 出版者:
- Indiana. Department of Geology and Natural Resources
- 创建日期:
- 1894
- 识别码:
- VAC3073-M-01570
- Call Number:
- G4091.C57 1893 .C83, no. 15
- Genre:
- Geological cross-sections
- Related URL:
- Catalog URL: https://iucat.iu.edu/catalog/18224924
- Abstract:
- Geological cross section showing stratigraphy of mineral resources, including various limestone and shale layers. Relative relief in relation to sea level sh...
- Alternate Identifier:
- Alternate ID: 390726IP and Title Control Number: a18224924
- Provenance:
- 18th Annual Report (1893) / Indiana. Department of Geology and Natural Resources.
- Persistent URL:
- http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/images/VAC3073/VAC3073-M-01570
- Geographic Location:
- Location Name: Indiana and Coordinates: W0870500 W0860300 N0414000 N0380000
- Physical Description:
- Print Size: 390726IP and Scale: Approximately 1:1,900,800. 30 miles to the inch. Vertical scale approximately 1:6,000. 500 feet to the inch
- Caption:
- Imprint: [Indianapolis] : [Indiana, Dept. of Geology and Natural Resources], [1894] and Imprint: Indpls : lithographed by William B. Burford, [1894]
- 学科:
- Subject: Mines and mineral resources, Subject: Geology, Stratigraphic, Geographic Subject: Indiana, and Subject: IGS Annual Reports
- 创造者:
- Cubberley, Ellwood P., 1868-1941
- 出版者:
- Indiana. Department of Geology and Natural Resources
- 创建日期:
- 1894
- 识别码:
- VAC3073-M-01571
- Call Number:
- G4091.C57 1893 .C83, no. 16
- Genre:
- Geological cross-sections
- Related URL:
- Catalog URL: https://iucat.iu.edu/catalog/18224924
- Abstract:
- Geological cross section showing stratigraphy of mineral resources, including various coal, limestone, and shale layers. Relative relief in relation to sea l...
- Alternate Identifier:
- Alternate ID: 390726IP and Title Control Number: a18224924
- Provenance:
- 18th Annual Report (1893) / Indiana. Department of Geology and Natural Resources.
- Persistent URL:
- http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/images/VAC3073/VAC3073-M-01571
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: W0873400 W0870100 N0414000 N0383900 and Location Name: Indiana
- Physical Description:
- Print Size: 390726IP and Scale: Approximately 1:1,900,800. 30 miles to the inch. Vertical scale approximately 1:6,000. 500 feet to the inch
- Caption:
- Imprint: [Indianapolis] : [Indiana, Dept. of Geology and Natural Resources], [1894] and Imprint: Indpls : lithographed by William B. Burford, [1894]
- 学科:
- Geographic Subject: Indiana, Subject: Sex distribution (Demography), and Subject: Age distribution (Demography)
- 创造者:
- Hart, John Fraser
- 出版者:
- [publisher not identified]
- 创建日期:
- 1950
- 识别码:
- VAC3073-M-00337
- Call Number:
- G4091.E24 1950 .H37
- Genre:
- Thematic maps
- Related URL:
- Catalog URL: http://iucat.iu.edu/catalog/6083935
- Abstract:
- "JFH." Pen and ink. Includes an age-sex pyramid for each of Indiana's 92 counties. Also appeared as figure 4 in John Fraser Hart. Age pyramids ...
- Alternate Identifier:
- Title Control Number: a6083935
- Persistent URL:
- http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/images/VAC3073/VAC3073-M-00337
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: W0880500 W0844700 N0414500 N0374600 and Location Name: Indiana
- Physical Description:
- Scale: Scale not given.
- Caption:
- [place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 1950.
- 学科:
- Subject: Mississippian culture, Geographic Subject: Bone Bank Site (Ind.), Subject: IGS Annual Reports, Geographic Subject: Posey County (Ind.), and Subject:...
- 创造者:
- Levette, G. M. (Gilbert M.)
- 出版者:
- Indiana. Geological Survey
- 创建日期:
- 1874
- 识别码:
- VAC3073-M-01540
- Call Number:
- G4093.P6E15 1873 .L48
- Genre:
- Pictorial maps and Geological cross-sections
- Related URL:
- Catalog URL: http://iucat.iu.edu/catalog/18308000
- Abstract:
- 1 map and 1 section on 1 sheet. Surveyed and drawn by G.M. Levette Nov. 1873. Shows the "probable western outline of the 'Bone Bank' within the ...
- Alternate Identifier:
- Title Control Number: a18308000 and Alternate ID: 390723IP
- Provenance:
- 5th Annual Report (1873) / Indiana. Geological Survey.
- Persistent URL:
- http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/images/VAC3073/VAC3073-M-01540
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: W0880126 W0880126 N0374955 N0374955, Location Name: Posey County (Ind.), and Bone Bank Site (Ind.)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: Not drawn to scale. and Print Size: 390723IP
- Caption:
- Inds. : Braden & Burford Steam Lith. [1874] and [Indianapolis] : [Geological Survey of Indiana], [1874]
- 学科:
- Subject: Age distribution (Demography), Subject: Sex distribution (Demography), Geographic Subject: Indiana, and Subject: Cities and towns
- 创造者:
- Hart, John Fraser
- 出版者:
- [publisher not identified]
- 创建日期:
- 1950
- 识别码:
- VAC3073-M-00746
- Call Number:
- G4091.E24 1950 .H378
- Genre:
- Thematic maps
- Related URL:
- Catalog URL: http://iucat.iu.edu/catalog/6086983
- Abstract:
- "JFH." "The numbers indicate the 1950 population of each place to the closest ten thousand." Includes an age-sex pyramid for each of the ...
- Alternate Identifier:
- Title Control Number: a6086983
- Persistent URL:
- http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/images/VAC3073/VAC3073-M-00746
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: W0880500 W0844700 N0414500 N0374600 and Location Name: Indiana
- Physical Description:
- Scale: Scale not given.
- Caption:
- [Place of publications not identified] : [publisher not identified], [195-?]
- 描述:
- 1939
- 学科:
- Topical Subject: Soviet Union, Topical Subject: Maps, and Geographic Subject: Kolpino
- 出版者:
- Генеральный штаб Красной Армии
- 语言:
- Russian
- 创建日期:
- 1941
- 识别码:
- VAC9619-000005
- Copyright Holder:
- No Copyright - United States
- Country:
- State/Province:
- РСФСР (RSFSR) and Ленинградская область (Leningrad oblast)
- Call Number:
- G7000 s50 .S68 sheet O-36-2-C
- Genre:
- Topographic Maps and Military Maps
- Related URL:
- DataCORE Dataset Download: https://datacore.iu.edu/concern/data_sets/pz50gw69v
- Abstract:
- Modern area represented: Kolpino, Russia
- Provenance:
- Army Map Service Library, OMAHA, Library of Congress Geography & Map Division
- Persistent URL:
- http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/images/VAC9619/VAC9619-000005
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: 59.6667, 30.5, 59.8333, 30.75
- City:
- Колпино (Kolpino)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: 1:50,000
- Caption:
- Секретно,Captured map
- 描述:
- 1937
- 学科:
- Topical Subject: Soviet Union, Topical Subject: Maps, and Geographic Subject: Syalyavshchyna
- 出版者:
- Генеральный штаб РККА
- 语言:
- Russian
- 识别码:
- VAC9619-000001
- Copyright Holder:
- No Copyright - United States
- Country:
- State/Province:
- Витебская область (Vitebsk oblast) and Белорусская ССР (Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic)
- Call Number:
- G7000 s50 .S68 sheet N-35-10-D
- Genre:
- Military Maps and Topographic Maps
- Related URL:
- DataCORE Dataset Download: https://datacore.iu.edu/concern/data_sets/02870w67p
- Abstract:
- Modern area represented: Syalyavshchyna, Vitebsk oblast, Belarus
- Provenance:
- Army Map Service Library, OMAHA, Library of Congress Geography & Map Division
- Persistent URL:
- http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/images/VAC9619/VAC9619-000001
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: 55.667, 28.75, 55.833, 29
- City:
- Селявщина (Seliavshchina)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: 1:50,000
- Caption:
- Не подлежит оглашению
- 描述:
- 1939
- 学科:
- Topical Subject: Soviet Union, Topical Subject: Maps, and Geographic Subject: Pushkin
- 出版者:
- Генеральный штаб Красной Армии
- 语言:
- Russian
- 创建日期:
- 1941
- 识别码:
- VAC9619-000004
- Copyright Holder:
- No Copyright - United States
- Country:
- State/Province:
- РСФСР (RSFSR) and Ленинградская область (Leningrad oblast)
- Call Number:
- G7000 s50 .S68 sheet O-36-1-D
- Genre:
- Topographic Maps and Military Maps
- Related URL:
- DataCORE Dataset Download: https://datacore.iu.edu/concern/data_sets/sf2685845
- Abstract:
- Modern area represented: Pushkin, Russia
- Provenance:
- Army Map Service Library, OMAHA, Library of Congress Geography & Map Division
- Persistent URL:
- http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/images/VAC9619/VAC9619-000004
- Geographic Location:
- Coordinates: 59.6667, 30.25, 59.8333, 30.5
- City:
- Пушкин (Pushkin)
- Physical Description:
- Scale: 1:50,000
- Caption:
- Секретно