

  • Ancient fort on the hill north of Hardinsburg, Dearborn County, Indiana , Ancient fort on the last hill between the Ohio and Great Miami rivers, Hamilton County, Ohio
  • Geological section from Valparaiso to Tobacco Landing, illustrating table no. XV
  • Geological section from Valparaiso to Vincennes, illustrating table no. XVI
  • Indiana, 1950 age-sex pyramids for counties excluding places over 10,000 in 1940
  • Map "Bone Bank" Posey Co., Ind.
  • Indiana, 1950 age-sex pyramids for places over 10,000 in 1940
  • Indiana Historic Maps

  • О-36-2-В Колпино
  • N-35-10-Г Селявщина
  • О-36-1-Г Пушкин