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Book of Hours Pubblico Deposited
- Scribal Title
- Inicium sancti euangelii secundum Iohaunem: gloria tibi domine; Memore de sanct adrian martire (fol. 18v); vigile de mors ; anthiphona vigilia mortuorum; Ichy ensuit memore de le trinite anthiphona; Memore de saincte barbe; Deuote salutacion a notre seigneur; Pape Jehan xii-ieme a donne a tous passans par quelconque chimentiere douotement disans ceste oroison qui sensient autant de jours de indulgences qui il y a de corps enterres; Chi sensieuent heures de lassumpcion de la uierge marie; Memore de sanctte marie magdalene
- Contents
- Calendar (Use of Amiens); Gospel Lessons; Suffrages to St. Adrian; Hours of the Virgin, use of Amiens [Incomplete]; Hours of the Cross [Incomplete]; Hours of the Holy Spirit [Incomplete]; Penitential Psalms, Litany and Collects; Office of the Dead, use of Amiens; Suffrages; O intemerata; Obsecro te; Suffrage to St. Barbara; Memore du Saint Sacrement de l'autel; Indulgence attributed to Pope John XII (apocryphal); Hours of the Conception; Suffrage to Mary Magdalene; Ownership Annotations
- Owning Institution
- Rare Book Room. Cushwa Leighton Library. Saint Mary's College. Notre Dame, IN. Indiana. United States.
- Call Number
- MS 3
- Source Identifier
- smc_003_001
- Keywords
- Codex
- Fragment
- Devotional book
- Border
- Binding fragment
- Illumination
- Rinceau
- Missing leaves
- Devotion
- Legal
- Christian
- Description
- SMC 003 MS 3, Book of Hours: Fifteenth-century Book of Hours, use of Amiens, likely produced during the third quarter of that century. Written in Latin, with some French (Picard) used in rubrics, prayers, and marks of ownership. No miniatures present, as these were all removed at a prior point in the book's history. The removal of these miniatures and the use of glue in subsequent rebinding make the collation of this manuscript difficult to determine with confidence.
- For a detailed discussion of this manuscript's contents and history, see Gura (2012) and Gura (2016), pp. 566-74.
- SMC 003, Part 1: Flyleaf: Document fragment used as a pastedown in a prior binding. Dated in Amiens in either 1466 or 1467. See Gura (2012) for a diplomatic edition of this document. Gura notes that this document issues a request to fill a vacancy of (presumably) a parish priest and mentions the Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Fuscien-aux-Bois.
- SMC 003, Part 2: Principal book block: Fifteenth-century Book of Hours, use of Amiens.
- In rebinding, fols. 108r-109v of the Office of the Dead were placed out of order. They should have been positioned between fols. 103 and 104. Similarly, two folios of the Suffrages are also out of order. Fols. 110-111 should follow fol. 107.
- A version of the indulgence found on fol. 122r is also found in Walters Ms. W.426.
- Alternate Identifier
- Acquisition Number: 92648
- Provenance
- Originally owned by two families (the Le Féron and Grisel families) in Haute Picardie. Family records recorded at the end of the manuscript, fols. 127v-128r. It is unclear how this manuscript entered into Saint Mary's College's collection. Once it entered the collection, it was initially given the shelfmark of ND 3363 .H8 1561.
- Source Metadata Identifier
- Date Created
- 15th century
- Language
- Latin
- French
- Middle, approx. 1400-1600
- Geographic Location (Place Name)
- France
- Title
- Book of Hours
- Author
- Catholic Church
- Physical Description
- SMC 003 MS 3, Book of Hours
- Support material: Parchment
- Extent: ii + 129 + iv
- Collation: 1 + Q1-3 (6), Q4-5 (8), Q6 (8, wanting 2 and 6), Q7 (8, wanting 1, 4, 5, 6 or 7, and 8), Q8 (8, wanting 5), Q9 (8, wanting 1, 2, 4, and 6), Q10-12 (8), Q13 (1+1+1), Q14-15 (8), Q16 (2, +3), Q17-8 (4), Q19 (8, wanting 8), Q20 (2, +1), Q21 (8)
- Folation-Pagination: Foliation in upper right-hand margin in modern pencil
- Bound dimensions (in mm): 215 x 155 x 53
- Page dimensions (in mm): 204 x 140
- Binding: Late 19th/ early 20th brown leather binding over binder's board, tooled, with marbled flyleaves; evidence of a clasp in an earlier binding visible on front flyleaf, now marked as f. 1; spine broken, and the boards are detatched
- SMC 003, Part 1: Flyleaf
- Written area (in mm): 105 x 60
- Script: Gothic-Bastarda
- Layout: One column; fifteen lines
- Incipit: // uicarii generales in spiritualibus et temporalibus reuerendi in christo patris et domini
- Explicit: datum abianensis sub sigillo uicariatus officii anno domini millio CCCC sexagesi//
- Folio range:1r-v
- SMC 003, Part 2: Principal book block
- Catchwords: Horizontal; added in a different hand, perhaps post-production (see fol. 90v)
- Script: Gothic- Quadrata
- Layout: One column; ruled in light red (except for fols. 112r-118v, which are ruled in brown) for 16 to 17 lines; prickings visible in outer margins
- Decoration: Full-page foliate and spray borders found on fols. 20r, 28v, 56r, and 71r; three-sided borders found on fols. 112r and 115r; a peacock and several faces occur in the border on fol. 20r; Illuminated foliate initials (3- to 6-lines) found at the beginnings of major textual divisions; illuminated dentelle initials (1- to 2-lines) found throughout the text according to a hierarchy
- Incipit: In principio erat uerbum et uerbum erat apud deum et deus erat uerbum; saint adrien ; duc de nichomedie ;; Domine labia mea aperies et os meum annunciabit laudent tuam; // tuam inter iudicum tuum et animam meam; // spiritus gratiam quam discipulis tuis in die sancto penthecostes; Domine ne in furore tuo arguas me neque in ira tua corripias me; Placebo dilexi quoniam exaudiet dominus vocem orationis; Te deum patrem ingenitum . te filium unigenitum .; o intemerata et in eternum benedicta singularis et incomparabilis uirgo dei genitrix; obsecro te domina sancta maria mater dei pietate plenissima; O pulcra precipuum rosa dans odorem florens in perpetuum; [J]e te salue tres saint et precieulx corps de mon createur et redempteur ihesu crist qui es parfaittement en ce saint sacrement; auete omnes christifideles anime det uobis requiem ille; Domine labia mea aperies et os meum annunciabit laudem tuam; Ave maria magdalena apostolorum apostola dominus tecum benedicta; le . vj . jour de juillet .m.l.cccc.lxxviij . fut nee jehenne le feron ; [in another hand] quy fut femme de jean grisel escuyer seigner du fay lez hornoy
- Explicit: confirmante sequentibus signis Deo gratias; mortis nos semper saluare digneris . Per christum dominum nostrum . Amen .; ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur per dominum nostrum Amen .; sis michi solacium in mortis agone Antiphona adoramus te Oracio Domine ihesu christe; neque tu illumines inspiracione Amen; Fidelium anime per misericordiam dei requiescant in pace Amen; Fidelium deus omnium; intercessione ualeamus peruenire per christum dominum nostrum amen; ita ut parcat mihi in alia uita concedens mihi misericorditer cum sanctis et electis suis uitam et requiem sempiternam . amen; audi et exaudi me dulcissima maria mater dei et misericordie amen .; claritati humilli deuocione congaudent . per christum; soit agreable par quoy ie puisse auoir lame perdurable Amen . amen . pater noster aue maria; Vt vobis associemur et simul coronemur . Amen; Vt in celis tecum simus ; Amen; Vt cum uenerit hora mortis sanctam indulgenciam consequi ualeamus qui uiuis et regis deus per omnia secula seculorum . amen; et pour marines damoiselle marie du bos, femme de monseigneur des blymond mon oncle et damoiselle jenne de belloy, felle du seigneur de catillon et de la damme de francieres . f. grisel . il mourut au bout .xj . moys.
- Folio range: 2r-13v; 14r-18v; 19r-v; 20r-51v; 52r-53r; 54r-55v; 56r-70r; 71r-104v, 108r-109v; 104v-107v, 110r-111v; 112r-115r; 115r-118r; 118v; 119r-121r; 122r; 122r-126r; 126r-127r; 127v-128r
- Bibliographic Citation
- Gura, David Turco. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts of the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s College. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. []
- Gura, David T. "A Hitherto Unknown Fifteenth-Century Book of Hours from the Amiénois: Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s College, Cushwa-Leighton Library, MS 3 (or the Le Féron-Grisel Hours)." Manuscripta 56, no. 2 (2012): 227–68. []
- Time Period
- Third quarter of the 15th century
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