
Joanne Carmichael at 2½ years old. Pubblico Deposited

Owning Institution
  • Archives of Traditional Music
Number of Pages
  • 0-99 pages
OCR State
  • disabled
Related item
  • In Hoagy Carmichael's handwriting on back: "My sister Joanne- -the victim of poverty. We couldn't afford a good doctor or good attention and that's when I vowed I would never be broke again in my lifetime. She died from dyptheria and it broke my heart that I didn't have the knowledge or the where withall to help her. It broke my dad's heart, too."
Date Created
  • 1918
  • Early Period 1. Carmichael family and friends (late-1800s to 1920s-1930s), including Hoagy Carmichael as a child.


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