Paged Resource

Book of Hours Público Deposited

Owning Institution
  • Rare Book Room. Cushwa Leighton Library. Saint Mary's College. Notre Dame, IN. Indiana. United States.
Call Number
  • MS 3
Source Identifier
  • smc_003_001_00
  • Rinceau
  • Codex
  • Book of Hours
  • Devotional book
  • Binding fragment
  • Missing leaves
  • Illumination
  • Border
  • Legal
  • Devotion
  • Fifteenth-century Book of Hours, use of Amiens, likely produced during the third quarter of that century. Written in Latin, with some French (Picard) used in rubrics, prayers, and marks of ownership. No miniatures present, as these were all removed at a prior point in the book's history. The removal of these miniatures and the use of glue in subsequent rebinding make the collation of this manuscript difficult to determine with confidence. For a detailed discussion of this manuscript's contents and history, see Gura (2012) and Gura (2016), pp. 566-74.
Alternate Identifier
  • Acquisition Number: 92648
  • Originally owned by two families (the Le Féron and Grisel families) in Haute Picardie. Family records recorded at the end of the manuscript, fols. 127v-128r. It is unclear how this manuscript entered into Saint Mary's College's collection. Once it entered the collection, it was initially given the shelfmark of ND 3363 .H8 1561.
Source Metadata Identifier
Date Created
  • 15th century
Geographic Location (Place Name)
  • France
  • Book of Hours
  • Catholic Church
Physical Description
  • Folation-Pagination: Foliation in upper right-hand margin in modern pencil
  • Binding: Late 19th/ early 20th brown leather binding over binder's board, tooled, with marbled flyleaves, evidence of a clasp in an earlier binding visible on front flyleaf, now marked as f. 1, spine broken, and the boards are detatched
  • Extent: ii + 129 + iv
  • Bound dimensions (in mm): 215 x 155 x 53
  • Page dimensions (in mm): 204 x 140
  • Support material: Parchment
  • Collation: 1 + Q1-3 (6), Q4-5 (8), Q6 (8, wanting 2 and 6), Q7 (8, wanting 1, 4, 5, 6 or 7, and 8), Q8 (8, wanting 5), Q9 (8, wanting 1, 2, 4, and 6), Q10-12 (8), Q13 (1+1+1), Q14-15 (8), Q16 (2, +3), Q17-8 (4), Q19 (8, wanting 8), Q20 (2, +1), Q21 (8)
Bibliographic Citation
  • Gura, David T. "A Hitherto Unknown Fifteenth-Century Book of Hours from the Amiénois: Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s College, Cushwa-Leighton Library, MS 3 (or the Le Féron-Grisel Hours)." Manuscripta 56, no. 2 (2012): 227–68. []
  • Gura, David Turco. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts of the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s College. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. []
Time Period
  • Third quarter of the 15th century
